Early spring, Boston---Photo by Siyang Qi

Early spring, Boston---Photo by Siyang Qi


  • The cast album of ‘Phantom of the Opera’ Mandarin production is released! Yicheng was the chief lyric translator. Check the album on ‘网易云音乐’.

  • SMG LIVE plans to produce a concept album for Yicheng’s new epic musical ‘Mission Boys’ (少年行), incubating the stage production in the future.

Everything Yicheng touches turns to musical theatre gold.

             ---Michael Wartofsky 

Yicheng's music is alway direct and meaningful, no matter what style he is expressing himself in. His heart and intelligence are evidence in everything he writes.

             ---Eric Stern 

Yicheng is one of the hardest working and most creative musicians that I have ever worked with. His very thoughtful way of dealing with melody and harmony inspires all who have been privileged enough to experience his music.

             ---George W. Russell Jr.